How Long Does It Take a Jack Russell Terrier to Get Used to a New Home?

by Adopt a Pet, | February 7, 2024

How Long Does It Take a Jack Russell Terrier to Get Used to a New Home?

The answer to “How long does it take a Jack Russell Terrier to get used to a new home?” varies, and every dog is different. The time it takes depends on their age, temperament, and their experiences leading up to entering your home. It can take several months for some dogs to acclimate, so don’t be disheartened if your Jack Russell isn’t coming around as quickly as you thought he would. In the vast majority of cases, a dog that’s having trouble getting use to their new home just needs more time and, perhaps, help from a trainer.

Are You Thinking of Surrendering a Dog Who Doesn’t Fit In? 

Here’s the deal: With very few exceptions, a responsible owner will be able to help their Jack Russell become more comfortable in their home. When a dog is having a particularly hard time, enlist the help of your vet or a qualified trainer.

If your dog is a rescue with an unknown history, they may have been traumatized in the past. It’s understandable why this would make them hesitate before relaxing in their new home. The way to overcome their fear and doubt is to earn their trust. Doing so may take some time, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Give Them a Fair Chance 

You fell in love with your Jack Russell Terrier when you brought them home, so make sure you give them all the tools they need to become part of your family. Some pet owners get frustrated after a month — or even sooner — and return or rehome the dog. This is going to make it even more difficult for the dog in their next home.

With the right help, your Jack Russell will learn to follow your rules. Don’t give up on them! All the patience and work will be well worth it. 

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