by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024
You don’t have to pay to rehome a Great Dane if you’re the owner and looking for someone to adopt. However, there may be fees you have to pay if you’re surrendering your dog to a shelter or rescue. Below are some of the different situations where people have to pay fees and information on why they have to pay. This should give you a better idea of who pays.
If you’re an owner who is giving up a Great Dane, you won’t have to pay rehoming fees when a new owner takes the dog. Instead, they’ll pay rehoming fees to you or the service you go through. This is true whether you’re using an online service or if you find someone local to adopt.
However, there are certain times when an owner pays to give up a dog. This happens when you surrender your dog for a shelter or a rescue. In these cases, you’ll pay a surrender fee. This money helps to keep the facility operational. The price of the fee will vary from one facility to the next, of course, so you’ll want to get in touch with the facility to learn their fees and policies.
You might be wondering why rehoming fees should be charged at all. After all, people need to give up their pets, and you might believe it should be free. However, you need to keep in mind that some people have bad intentions toward pets. Some are looking for fighting dogs or animals they can sell to labs.
When people give away dogs, it’s easy for those unscrupulous people to take them. Rehoming fees help to reduce this risk because these people don’t want to pay for dogs. Use rehoming fees to keep your dog safe.
Keep in mind that shelters and rescues charge similar fees. They’ll generally call them adoption fees. They serve a similar purpose, though. The fees help to keep the dogs safer, and they provide extra money that the facility can then use to help more animals find homes.
Most of the time, you’ll want to charge rehoming fees when you’re giving up your dog to a new owner for the reasons mentioned above. However, if someone you already know and trust wants to adopt your dog, you don’t need to charge a rehoming fee. Just make sure that they’re a good fit for your Great Dane and you aren’t just giving them the dog because you know them.
If you need to give up your Great Dane, one of the easiest options is to use Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet. This is a platform from Adopt-a-Pet that puts your dog’s information in front of many thousands of potential adopters looking for a dog. It’s easy to use, safe, reliable and free for owners, and the site will charge the adopters a rehoming fee so you don’t have to.
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