Do You Have to Pay to Rehome a Maltese?
As a Maltese pet parent, don’t pay to rehome your dog; charge a rehoming fee to the new adopter instead.
As a Maltese pet parent, don’t pay to rehome your dog; charge a rehoming fee to the new adopter instead.
by Kelly Villa, | January 16, 2025
If you’re the current pet parent of a Maltese, you do not have to pay to rehome your dog. In fact, you should charge the new adopter a rehoming fee. But if you’re surrendering your dog to a shelter or a rescue, you’ll need to pay what’s called a surrender fee. The fee will vary between organizations and can be different based on your location. Fees usually start at around $50 and could go up to $150 or more. However, it’s important to keep in mind that surrender fees aren’t the same as rehoming fees.
A rehoming fee is simply a fee that’s paid, sometimes to the pet parent or an organization, when a dog is adopted. When the fee is paid to an organization or website, the money will typically go back into helping other animals find a permanent home. However, that’s not always the case, so you’ll want to be sure you understand how the rehoming money is being used.
Pet parents don’t have to pay the rehoming fees. Instead, these fees are charged to the people who will be adopting your dog. Some people don’t like the idea of rehoming fees, especially when a pet parent asks for the money. They believe that the pet parent is just trying to get some money for giving up their pet. However, that’s not the case. The true purpose of rehoming fees is to keep animals safe.
Some people look for free and cheap animals online because they have nefarious purposes in mind. They may try to sell your dog to a lab or use them as a bait animal for training fighting dogs. People with these intentions are looking for free animals, so charging the rehoming fee helps to provide some added safety for your dog.
If you’ll be giving your dog to a friend or a relative, you don’t need to charge a rehoming fee. You should already know whether they’re a good fit and that they have your dog’s best interests at heart.
However, whenever you’re offering the dog to someone that you don’t know, whether it’s in person or online, you should charge a rehoming fee. The fee should be in line with what the person would pay when they adopt a dog through a shelter, for example.
Rehoming doesn’t have to be difficult, and you don’t have to worry about being the one to ask for a rehoming fee when you use Rehome. This platform from Adopt a Pet helps to simplify the process.
Rehome provides tools that let you upload photos and videos and create a profile for your Maltese. The profile should have all the most important information about your dog so the potential adopters will know whether she’s right for them or not.
Once you have chosen someone to adopt after going over the applications, the adopter will pay the rehoming fee to the site. You don’t have to worry about it. It’s easy and safe for you and your dog.
Kelly Villa is a freelance writer and contributor to various pet publications.
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