by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024
Nick_Picnic / Shutterstock
Several options are available if you have to give up your Yorkie. No one enjoys the thought of giving up their dog, but it could be necessary. They’ve been a good companion for you, and you’d love nothing more than to keep them. However, life may have thrown you a curveball, and you find that you’re no longer capable of caring for them for one reason or another. You might have to move into a retirement home that doesn’t allow pets. You might have had an injury or illness that prevents you from caring for them.
There could be any number of issues. The important thing is to do your best to find a place for your Yorkie. Several options are available, and some are better than others.
A rescue or a shelter might be the first place that you consider when you need to give up your Yorkie. Shelters and rescues do their best to ensure adoption, but it’s never a guarantee. While rescues will keep dogs for the remainder of their lives, shelters are unable to do this. They have a limited amount of room. While these types of facilities are methods that can be used to give up your Yorkie, you may want to try some other options first.
If you have trouble taking care of your Yorkie for one reason or another, you may want to speak with friends and family before giving them up. For example, if you have trouble watching your dog during the day while you’re working, you might have a family member that can come over and walk them or watch them during the day. If you have some issues financially, you might have some family that could help you out so you don’t have to give up your dog.
It’s also possible that you may find someone you know who wants to adopt a dog. They might be interested in adopting your Yorkie. This could be a good fit since you already know the person and can be sure they’ll take good care of them.
Although it may take a little longer, rehoming is an option. You can do this on your own by finding online pet adoption sites. Always be sure you’re using a quality, reputable site, of course, and steer clear of places like Craigslist. When you’re allowing someone to adopt, be sure to charge a rehoming fee, as well. This helps to reduce the risks for your dog. People who have ill intentions towards them won’t want to pay money for the dog.
One site that you should consider using is Rehome from Adopt-a-Pet. It’s a peer-to-peer platform that will let owners create detailed profiles of their dog. Provide all of the most important information about your Yorkie, including any issues that they might have. Add some photos and videos, too. Then, potential adopters can look at the profile to get a better idea of whether they’re the right dog for them. You’ll review applications and find the perfect new home for your Yorkie. It’s fast, easy, and safe.
How to set a fair fee when finding your dog a new home.
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This retailer doesn’t take in dogs, but there are other rehoming options available to you.