How Do I Surrender My Labrador Retriever?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 11, 2024

How Do I Surrender My Labrador Retriever?

 A common question from pet owners who have decided they cannot keep their pet is, “How do I surrender my Labrador Retriever?” The exact process of surrendering your dog to a local shelter will vary by location, but generally it will involve meeting with an intake officer, paying a fee, and giving up all rights to your pet. From there, shelters will try to find homes for the dogs in their care, but this isn’t always possible.

What Happens to my Labrador Retriever if I Surrender Them to a Shelter?

When you find a shelter that will accept your Labrador Retriever, they may ask you to pay a surrender fee. The fee is typically between $50 to $150. An intake coordinator will ask about your dog’s history and your reasons for surrendering them. In some cases, they will offer assistance to help you work through the issues that led to your decision to give up your dog. If you decide to move forward, they’ll take custody of your dog and have you sign them over to the organization.

Unfortunately, once you surrender your dog, you no longer have a say in their fate. Your Labrador Retriever’s outcome depends on several factors such as age, health, temperament, space in the shelter, and the shelter policies. Most shelters want to find homes for all their dogs — and they work hard towards that end — but the sad reality is that it’s just not always possible.

The more people who surrender their pets to the shelters, the more overtaxed they become, and even the very best shelters can only do so much with the space and resources they have.

Is There Another Option?

If the idea of surrendering your pet to a shelter doesn’t sit well with you, there is another way: rehoming your dog yourself. This gives you control over where your dog ends up rather than surrendering that ability to a shelter. It also means you’ll be able handpick the adopters and find the very best fit for your pet.

If you love this idea but aren’t sure where to start, take a look at Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet. You’ll get advice that walks you through the process of rehoming your pet, find tools to help you find the perfect adopters, and more.

You’ll even find tips on overcoming the most common issues that cause people to give up their pets. If you find you still have to give them up, surrender your pet into the arms of a loving new family instead of an uncertain future. You’ll feel better knowing you did the very best for your dog.  

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