What Does It Mean to Surrender an American Bulldog?

by Adopt a Pet, | February 8, 2024

What Does It Mean to Surrender an American Bulldog?

When you surrender an American bulldog, it means that you are giving up your rights as your dog’s owner to a rescue or shelter. You will not have any legal rights to your pet once they have been turned in to the shelter. Most shelters and rescues will also charge a fee when you surrender a pet. The cost can vary depending on your location and the facility’s policies.

Shelters and rescues provide the pets in their care with safe lodging, playtime, and access to food and water, until they are adopted. However, there is no guarantee that every pet will be adopted from the shelter, and in some locations, pets can only be held for a certain length of time because there are so many incoming animals.

Although the shelters try their best, being in a shelter environment can still be stressful for a pet that’s used to living in a calm home environment. Therefore, you might want to look at some of the other options available to help you find your American bulldog a new home.

See If You Can Keep Your Pet

The best course of action is to find a way that you can keep the pet. If you are having trouble with your dog’s behavior you may want to look into finding a dog trainer or a certified animal behaviorist. If you are having a hard time caring for you dog financially, you might be able to apply for grant programs or free services from local rescues. As a responsible pet owner, you can find creative resources to help you keep your pet if possible.

Let Someone You Know Adopt Your Dog

If you find that you cannot realistically keep your pet you can help find your dog a new home. Do you have a member of the family who loves your dog and who has mentioned wanting to adopt a dog of their own? If you are in a situation where you have to give up your dog because you have to travel for work, you are in the military, or because you simply can’t afford your dog any longer, this could be a good option.

Take the time to check with your friends and family members to see if there is anyone who might be able and willing to adopt your dog. Of course, you can’t just give your dog to anyone that you know. You still want to be sure that the person has the room available and the capability to provide your dog with the care he needs.

Rehome Your American Bulldog

Another great option is to rehome the dog. You could do this on your own, or you could use Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet. Rehome is a simple, free and safe peer-to-peer adoption service that allows you to list your pets on Adopt-a-Pet. Get on the platform and create a profile for your pet complete with a bio, photos, and videos. This can be seen by countless people who are looking to adopt. Rehome also provides you with tools to help vet potential adopters and make sure you are sending your beloved companion to a safe and loving home.

You can find a great home for your pet through Rehome, and give yourself peace of mind that they are in the best environment possible.

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