UPDATE: Butsy was Adopted!
Butsy is a very handsome 1 yr 83 lb male Rottweiler, he is up to date on all vaccines, all blood tests including Heartworm are negative, he is on preventative, neutered and microchipped.
Butsy would prefer a home with a female or even be a single dog family, he is fine with males for meetings etc but just prefers the girls. Busty is a sweetheart, he just loves everyone, he loves taking walks however does need training with that, he also enjoys playing ball or just hanging around with his person. Butsy keeps his area clean and knows some commands however because he is still a puppy, he does need some basic obedience training to understand what is expected of him. Butsy seems to have a lot of interest in Cats, so a home without Cats is preferred.
If you are interested in providing a good home for this beautiful sweet pup please
click HERE
to download our Adoption Application.
Please save it to your PC with your name as the title, and e-mail the saved document to:
If you have questions about how the adoption process works, we do have our adoption process located below which we feel will answer all your questions. If after submitting your application and reading our process, you still have questions, please email Terry at terry4553@verizon.net Thank you. Please know we do not allow meetings with our dogs until we have received your adoption application.
Another way to help us save more homeless dogs is by choosing us when you shop, it costs you nothing and will help us tremendously. Thank you
Majesty Rottweiler Rescue |