Nigel is a beautiful lab mix, weighing around 80lbs and around 4.5 years old. He has a beautiful brown coat with different dark and light tones. He is an easy going happy boy who is always wagging his tail. He is crate trained and house trained. He is very treat motivated and does well on walks with a leash - however he mostly enjoys being lazy and lounging around. He is truly a chunky cuddle bug! He will never turn down a good game of fetch outside! Nigel is in need of an immediate foster or adopter to keep him out of boarding. Nigel is a low energy boy and is friendly with dogs and humans. He has not been around kids yet, but due to his larger size, we recommend kids 8 y/o and up for this sweet boy. Nigel is neutered, fully vaccinated, and microchipped. For more information about Nigel, please email us at If you would like to adopt this sweet boy, please submit an application for him at BarkVille is located in Roswell, GA and our dogs are available for foster/adoption in the Greater Atlanta area. Applicants in surrounding states could potentially adopt a BarkVille dog if their application is approved, they live within 2-3 hours of the Greater Atlanta area, and they are able to pick up their dog from the foster home.
January 3, 2025, 6:28 pm