Carson is 4 years old and weighs 74 lbs. He’s a cautious boy and it takes a little time and patience but he’ll learn to trust you. He’s active and social with other dogs. Carson and 3 siblings were rescued after being abandoned on the side of the road in late summer 2021. His siblings have already been adopted and now Carson is waiting for his happy ending too!
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at:
Carson is 4 years old and weighs 74 lbs. He’s a cautious boy and it takes a little time and patience but he’ll learn to trust you. He’s active and social with other dogs. Carson and 3 siblings were rescued after being abandoned on the side of the road in late summer 2021. His siblings have already been adopted and now Carson is waiting for his happy ending too!
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: