Dante is a beautiful Maltipo. He's about 8 years old and weighs about 9 lbs. He's a great little fella with a fun personality! He walks wonderful on leash. Potty trained and crate trained. He likes to play with your feet and run & play with his toys! Dante doesn't like some men, he's a ladies companion:)
If you are interested this little cutie please submit an application on our website listed below.
Dante is a beautiful Maltipo. He's about 8 years old and weighs about 9 lbs. He's a great little fella with a fun personality! He walks wonderful on leash. Potty trained and crate trained. He likes to play with your feet and run & play with his toys! Dante doesn't like some men, he's a ladies companion:)
If you are interested this little cutie please submit an application on our website listed below.