Buddy is about 1 and 1/2 years old. He weighs 57 pounds. Buddy’s owner could not care for him anymore so he was surrendered to the shelter on 6/14-2023. Buddy is a very handsome fellow with one blue eye and one brown eye. He is a friendly, loving, calm boy that is very treat motivated. Buddy is a little timid around other dogs so if you have other dogs come do a meet and greet with this sweet fellow.
Buddy is about 1 and 1/2 years old. He weighs 57 pounds. Buddy’s owner could not care for him anymore so he was surrendered to the shelter on 6/14-2023. Buddy is a very handsome fellow with one blue eye and one brown eye. He is a friendly, loving, calm boy that is very treat motivated. Buddy is a little timid around other dogs so if you have other dogs come do a meet and greet with this sweet fellow.