Felice is a year old and weighs 49 lbs. She’s friendly with people and social with other dogs. Minnie and 6 siblings – Roo, Marla, Melissa, Nanette, Minnie, Ezra – were left at our April spay/neuter clinic.
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: http://www.bajaanimalsanctuary.org/dogs.htm
Felice is a year old and weighs 49 lbs. She’s friendly with people and social with other dogs. Minnie and 6 siblings – Roo, Marla, Melissa, Nanette, Minnie, Ezra – were left at our April spay/neuter clinic.
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: http://www.bajaanimalsanctuary.org/dogs.htm