Posted over 7 months ago
This is Blu! He is an amazing pup. He is really good with kids and babies. My almost two year old loves him. We trained him that its okay for her to feed him and he does not get aggressive when she is around his food or treats. He is potty trained, shots, chipped and neutered. He is very playful and loves everyone and any dogs. He doesnt bark much ether. Blu is 6 months old so he will need little more training and that is why I have to rehome him. With me and my husband both working full days and having two little kids with two other dogs it is getting to be a lot for us to handle. Someone willing to give him little more time he could be someones forever best friend. I am very sad to let him go because I see so much potential in him but long as he goes to a happy safe home I will be in peace ❤️