Posted over 7 months ago | Updated over 4 months ago
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COURTESY POST on behalf of owners, located in the Calgary area.
To apply for Maeby, please submit an application at All applications for Maeby will be forwarded to her owners for follow up. Maeby’s adoption fee is a minimum $100 donation to Adopt-a-Dobe.
Per Maeby’s owners: Maeby is an almost three year old fixed female dobe with a heart way bigger than her anxiety. She came to us at 6 weeks old after her mama had to have an emergency hysterectomy due to a postpartum infection. She was an affectionate yet nervous puppers from day one. We immediately started working with trainers and dog daycares/walkers to try to get the tools we needed and the socialization she needed. She was asked to not return to two daycares due to her anxiety and two trainers made only minimal headway. Her anxiety increased as time passed and she began to break out of kennels when home alone and chewed several walls waiting for us to come home. We could no longer take her around other dogs, as she was immediately reactive when with our family. She was nervous around anyone outside of our family and had growled at our children’s friends. We finally connected with the right trainer and in combination with anxiety medication, Maeby was able to make some great progress in terms of greeting adults, walking on a leash, and recall. We then connected with a local small daycare and dog walking company who worked with Maeby to introduce her to other dogs and she now has a group of dogs she is comfortable playing with. Maeby began to be able to spend the day outside of her kennel at home without engaging in any destructive behaviours and was literally smiling when greeting and welcoming adult guests into our home. We felt we were finally on a good path with her and the vet recommended weaning her off her medication, as it was always intended as a short term measure. She continued to demonstrate stability and progress. Unfortunately, despite never having had any issues with our children in the past, she recently bit our 6 year old daughter when our daughter approached her to pet her. We don’t know why Maeby reacted this way and are truly heartbroken at the position we are in as a result. Although the bite did not break the skin and as much as we love Maeby and are so proud of the progress she has made over the past 3 years, we do not feel we are in a position to address this particular behaviour with two children in our home. We believe she is capable of continuing to overcome challenges as she has proven herself to be and believe she would thrive in a household with no children. We are happy to pass on the name of her daycare so they can continue to work with her and you on dog socialization. We truly want what is best for Maeby and are hopeful we can find this beautiful, affectionate girl a loving home where she can be comfortable.
Maeby’s favourite things include being with her family, soaking in any attention that comes her way, running along side a skateboard, playing at private off leash parks and staring into the depths of your soul. She’ll sleep in as late (or later) than you on the weekends and loves full body cuddles in bed.
COURTESY POST on behalf of owners, located in the Calgary area.
To apply for Maeby, please submit an application at All applications for Maeby will be forwarded to her owners for follow up. Maeby’s adoption fee is a minimum $100 donation to Adopt-a-Dobe.
Per Maeby’s owners: Maeby is an almost three year old fixed female dobe with a heart way bigger than her anxiety. She came to us at 6 weeks old after her mama had to have an emergency hysterectomy due to a postpartum infection. She was an affectionate yet nervous puppers from day one. We immediately started working with trainers and dog daycares/walkers to try to get the tools we needed and the socialization she needed. She was asked to not return to two daycares due to her anxiety and two trainers made only minimal headway. Her anxiety increased as time passed and she began to break out of kennels when home alone and chewed several walls waiting for us to come home. We could no longer take her around other dogs, as she was immediately reactive when with our family. She was nervous around anyone outside of our family and had growled at our children’s friends. We finally connected with the right trainer and in combination with anxiety medication, Maeby was able to make some great progress in terms of greeting adults, walking on a leash, and recall. We then connected with a local small daycare and dog walking company who worked with Maeby to introduce her to other dogs and she now has a group of dogs she is comfortable playing with. Maeby began to be able to spend the day outside of her kennel at home without engaging in any destructive behaviours and was literally smiling when greeting and welcoming adult guests into our home. We felt we were finally on a good path with her and the vet recommended weaning her off her medication, as it was always intended as a short term measure. She continued to demonstrate stability and progress. Unfortunately, despite never having had any issues with our children in the past, she recently bit our 6 year old daughter when our daughter approached her to pet her. We don’t know why Maeby reacted this way and are truly heartbroken at the position we are in as a result. Although the bite did not break the skin and as much as we love Maeby and are so proud of the progress she has made over the past 3 years, we do not feel we are in a position to address this particular behaviour with two children in our home. We believe she is capable of continuing to overcome challenges as she has proven herself to be and believe she would thrive in a household with no children. We are happy to pass on the name of her daycare so they can continue to work with her and you on dog socialization. We truly want what is best for Maeby and are hopeful we can find this beautiful, affectionate girl a loving home where she can be comfortable.
Maeby’s favourite things include being with her family, soaking in any attention that comes her way, running along side a skateboard, playing at private off leash parks and staring into the depths of your soul. She’ll sleep in as late (or later) than you on the weekends and loves full body cuddles in bed.
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