Lexie is a 40lb sweet, wiggly girl! She loves people and getting loves of attention. She can be dog selective, but is also happy to be the only dog. She is loyal and affectionate and bonds quickly. She is house-trained and good in the house. She loves to play fetch and tug-o-war. She's a great size and is sure to be a fast learner!
Visit us at the Gainesville Petsmart on Archer Rd Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm and Sundays Noon to 5 pm. Be sure to visit our web page: http://www.puppyhillfarm.com for more information about us and for any updates, and our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/puppyhillfarm
Lexie is a 40lb sweet, wiggly girl! She loves people and getting loves of attention. She can be dog selective, but is also happy to be the only dog. She is loyal and affectionate and bonds quickly. She is house-trained and good in the house. She loves to play fetch and tug-o-war. She's a great size and is sure to be a fast learner!
Visit us at the Gainesville Petsmart on Archer Rd Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm and Sundays Noon to 5 pm. Be sure to visit our web page: http://www.puppyhillfarm.com for more information about us and for any updates, and our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/puppyhillfarm