Dog Name: Genna
Breed: Lab
Sex: F
Age: 6 1/2 years
Weight: 73 lbs
Medical Needs: none
Housebroken: Yes
Crate trained: Yes
Good in the car: The best! Genna loves being in the car, especially when all the windows are down and she can check everything out!
Good on a leash: Genna does great on the leash. She loves being outside, so this is where she’s most energetic, but obeys well on walks or even just relaxing on the porch.
Energy level: Genna has a decent amount of energy. When she is inside, she is relaxed and laid-back, but she loves people so this is where she tends to get super excited. I would rate her energy level about a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Need a fenced in yard: Not needed, but would recommend so she can be outside whenever possible.
Dog Friendly: According to Genna’s history, she can be dog selective.
She co-existed well with all but one of the other dogs in her previous home. The other dog was an assertive female, so her new home should not contain one of those. Since being with her foster, there have been no issues to date.
If yes, does your foster need another dog in its adoptive homes? No
Cat Friendly? I have not had her 1-1 yet, but with our neighborhood cats, she may look, but then keeps on walking.
Kid Friendly: Yes!
If yes, what's the youngest child you'd recommend they be placed with? I have 2 kids, 8 & 12, Genna adores them both, but loves my youngest and constantly follows her and lays with her during rest periods. Her previous owner had smaller children as young as 4 years and never had any issues.
Special traits that make your foster special or that we need to know about them? Genna is a beautiful, nature-loving dog who loves people and just being with you. She does really well on her own too and especially loves her treats after coming inside from bathroom breaks and walks
Fosters Location: Long Neck, DE
Application can be found here: (if you already have an approved application on file email and ask the app team to pull your app
Dog Name: Genna
Breed: Lab
Sex: F
Age: 6 1/2 years
Weight: 73 lbs
Medical Needs: none
Housebroken: Yes
Crate trained: Yes
Good in the car: The best! Genna loves being in the car, especially when all the windows are down and she can check everything out!
Good on a leash: Genna does great on the leash. She loves being outside, so this is where she’s most energetic, but obeys well on walks or even just relaxing on the porch.
Energy level: Genna has a decent amount of energy. When she is inside, she is relaxed and laid-back, but she loves people so this is where she tends to get super excited. I would rate her energy level about a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Need a fenced in yard: Not needed, but would recommend so she can be outside whenever possible.
Dog Friendly: According to Genna’s history, she can be dog selective.
She co-existed well with all but one of the other dogs in her previous home. The other dog was an assertive female, so her new home should not contain one of those. Since being with her foster, there have been no issues to date.
If yes, does your foster need another dog in its adoptive homes? No
Cat Friendly? I have not had her 1-1 yet, but with our neighborhood cats, she may look, but then keeps on walking.
Kid Friendly: Yes!
If yes, what's the youngest child you'd recommend they be placed with? I have 2 kids, 8 & 12, Genna adores them both, but loves my youngest and constantly follows her and lays with her during rest periods. Her previous owner had smaller children as young as 4 years and never had any issues.
Special traits that make your foster special or that we need to know about them? Genna is a beautiful, nature-loving dog who loves people and just being with you. She does really well on her own too and especially loves her treats after coming inside from bathroom breaks and walks
Fosters Location: Long Neck, DE
Application can be found here: (if you already have an approved application on file email and ask the app team to pull your app