Low Fee!! Meet Gretchen. She is a beautiful 1-year-old mix of Shepherd and Carolina Dog. She currently weighs 38 pounds and may add on a few more pounds. She is affectionate, playful, sweet, and gentle. She does great with other dogs and loves being around people. She wears a medium coat of tan and red, which she loves to have brushed. This girl has been treated for heartworms and is recovering wonderfully. Gretchen will make a great family dog! (ME, 9/12/24)(new pics, etc. 1/17) Lower Fees: Adoption Fee: $150.00-- covers microchip, worming, all vaccines, monthly heart worm preventative, monthly tick/flea preventative, spaying/neutering, health certificate, and complete medical records. Transport Fee: $100.00-- We consider the transport to be of great importance and, as such, take particular care of the dogs during the trip. We make every effort to arrive with healthy and minimally stressed dogs. **It is rare that we know with certainty the ages or mixes that make up our dogs, but we do our best to be as accurate as possible based upon our experience. ** --
January 22, 2025, 4:11 pm