Posted over 5 months ago | Updated 1 month ago
Dudley is a sweet, super confident kitten! He loves to be held and cuddled. He gets along great with the other foster kittens, as well as the resident cats. Please have a lot of love to give him, he is demanding! He is believed to be a Maine Coon mix, and is very fluffy. His BFF's Marty and Henry would like to be adopted along with Dudley. Together, these boys are very entertaining and rambunctious. Dudley had an injury to his left eye as a baby, and has some discoloration to his eye. His 3rd eyelid is partially up. This does not cause him any discomfort. He is able to see, and does not need anything other than some ointment in his eye a few times a week. Please email his foster at for any questions.