Meet Lilo! She is an 8 year old terrier mix. She is a quiet dog, loves to go for walks, and loves going outside in the yard. She is still a little scared to meet new people but takes cues from those around her. She is great with other dogs. She is ready to find her forever home.
This is Lilo who we just saved because owner could not care for him any longer.
Owner had no option but to reach out for help
Her son has cancer with no insurance and she has lost her home trying to care for him.
Her vet clinic reached out to us to help. Lilo was in such pain and the tail needed amputation now before it became life threatening.
Russell Recuse said yes, even though we knew we had no foster or possibility of individual home care.
Please help us continue with our mission to help those who cannot help themselves.
Lilo is receiving this needed surgery as well as other needed medical care including a dental. Please help us with this cost as well as our always overflowing vet bills. We appreciate everyone’s support !
Venmo @Russellrescuetn last 4 5889
Please put medical in memo
Or send a check to:
Russell Rescue
1631 Lantana Dr
Thompsons Station TN 37179
Meet Lilo! She is an 8 year old terrier mix. She is a quiet dog, loves to go for walks, and loves going outside in the yard. She is still a little scared to meet new people but takes cues from those around her. She is great with other dogs. She is ready to find her forever home.
This is Lilo who we just saved because owner could not care for him any longer.
Owner had no option but to reach out for help
Her son has cancer with no insurance and she has lost her home trying to care for him.
Her vet clinic reached out to us to help. Lilo was in such pain and the tail needed amputation now before it became life threatening.
Russell Recuse said yes, even though we knew we had no foster or possibility of individual home care.
Please help us continue with our mission to help those who cannot help themselves.
Lilo is receiving this needed surgery as well as other needed medical care including a dental. Please help us with this cost as well as our always overflowing vet bills. We appreciate everyone’s support !
Venmo @Russellrescuetn last 4 5889
Please put medical in memo
Or send a check to:
Russell Rescue
1631 Lantana Dr
Thompsons Station TN 37179