This fun-loving cutie is Hopper! Hopper is 3 year old, 55lb Bully mix. Hopper is not only adorable, but he’s super friendly too! He endears himself to everyone with his playful, goofy personality. It’s hard not to smile when you’re spending time with him. Hopper is grateful for everything, whether you take him on a walk, throw a ball, or snuggle up with him on the couch. That tail is always wagging! He loves toys, too, and will happily entertain himself. While patiently waiting for his forever home, Hopper has been a star student of our training program. He has learned many commands and walks beautifully on a leash. Hopper has so much love to give! He’ would be great dog for a family with slightly older children or any active person looking for a walking buddy. Hopper also loves car rides! Hopper doesn’t mind other dogs, but we think he will do best as the only dog in the home. Hopper is neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on vaccines. If you are looking to add a loving and deserving dog to your life, please fill out an application on our website at If your application is a possible match, a volunteer will reach out to you to schedule a meet with Hopper!
This fun-loving cutie is Hopper! Hopper is 3 year old, 55lb Bully mix. Hopper is not only adorable, but he’s super friendly too! He endears himself to everyone with his playful, goofy personality. It’s hard not to smile when you’re spending time with him. Hopper is grateful for everything, whether you take him on a walk, throw a ball, or snuggle up with him on the couch. That tail is always wagging! He loves toys, too, and will happily entertain himself. While patiently waiting for his forever home, Hopper has been a star student of our training program. He has learned many commands and walks beautifully on a leash. Hopper has so much love to give! He’ would be great dog for a family with slightly older children or any active person looking for a walking buddy. Hopper also loves car rides! Hopper doesn’t mind other dogs, but we think he will do best as the only dog in the home. Hopper is neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on vaccines. If you are looking to add a loving and deserving dog to your life, please fill out an application on our website at If your application is a possible match, a volunteer will reach out to you to schedule a meet with Hopper!