Posted over 2 months ago | Updated 1 month ago
Sammy is 2 1/2 years old. He has been DNA tested. Sam is a very handsome and loyal dog. I met Sam in the parking lot of the animal shelter. I was considering adopting a dog and met Sammy, about to be surrendered. I took him home. He was happy, energetic and playful. My husband and I decided to breed lhasa apsos. Everything went well at first. Sammy was so happy to have a playmate and he and the male lhasa apso loved to play together. However, when the female lhasa apso came in heat,that all changed. The stud dog became aggressive toward Sammy, becoming vicious. We tried to work with the 2 males. The aggression lessened but not the intimidation. Sammy became more and more frightened being afraid to get off the sofa at times. He is no longer the joyful happy dog we adopted. He deserves better; he deserves to be appreciated for the special dog he is. His DNA breed analysis is attached.