Meet Mama Rue, a loving and devoted mother who has raised her beautiful litter of kittens—Dorothy, Sofia, Blanche, and Rose. Now that her babies are growing up and finding their own homes, it’s finally her turn to shine. Mama Rue is incredibly affectionate and adores being petted. She loves spending her days looking out the window, watching the world go by. Although she’s still a bit protective of her kittens, she’s ready to blossom once they’re adopted. Mama Rue isn’t big on playing with toys but enjoys keeping an eye on the foster kittens. She’s a gentle soul ready for a peaceful, loving home where she can relax and be herself.
Meet Mama Rue, a loving and devoted mother who has raised her beautiful litter of kittens—Dorothy, Sofia, Blanche, and Rose. Now that her babies are growing up and finding their own homes, it’s finally her turn to shine. Mama Rue is incredibly affectionate and adores being petted. She loves spending her days looking out the window, watching the world go by. Although she’s still a bit protective of her kittens, she’s ready to blossom once they’re adopted. Mama Rue isn’t big on playing with toys but enjoys keeping an eye on the foster kittens. She’s a gentle soul ready for a peaceful, loving home where she can relax and be herself.