Brooks is a young Pitbull/Husky Mix looking for his forever family! He was born on 7/1/24, and currently weighs 25lbs. He will likely mature to be a medium sized dog, weighing around 50-60lbs. This cutie is the total package for a family - he is kid, cat, and dog friendly! He's been around toddlers (2yrs) and kittens, and is described as a very gentle boy. Brooks is learning all about potty training in his foster home, and is already crate trained. Poor Brooks was a part of an unwanted litter of puppies living in a rural GA area, in deplorable conditions. BarkVille Dog Rescue took in the litter, and the puppies then came down with Parvovirus. Brooks is now fully healed and healthy, and ready to find a home for the holidays! Brooks has a laid-back personality, especially for a puppy! He is a little on the shy side and can take a few minutes to warm up to new people. He would love to have a friendly and confident dog in his forever home, and does require a fenced yard. He will be a wonderful addition to a family looking for a young pup who will be loyal and loving! Brooks is neutered, fully vaccinated, and microchipped. If you're interested in adopting this sweet boy, please email us at or submit an application at BarkVille is located in Roswell, GA and our dogs are available for foster/adoption in the Greater Atlanta area. Applicants in surrounding states could potentially adopt a BarkVille dog if their application is approved, they live within 2-3 hours of the Greater Atlanta area, and they are able to pick up their dog from the foster home.
January 3, 2025, 6:28 pm