Posted 1 month ago
5 weeks old
Fostered in Dayton, OR
Meet Playful Paulie
Paulie is a spirited female puppy with a heart of gold. While she may have a dominant side, she's also a gentle and loving soul who enjoys cuddling with her human and canine companions. She's a social butterfly, loving to play with anyone insight. Though she may test her limits and be a bit stubborn at times, Paulie is a quick learner who eagerly embraces new tricks and challenges. This playful princess is sure to bring love, joy, excitement and cuddles to any home.
If you would like to adopt her, fill out an adoption application on our website
Like us on facebook for more photos of this pretty girl, as well as other boxers we have available!
5 weeks old
Fostered in Dayton, OR
Meet Playful Paulie
Paulie is a spirited female puppy with a heart of gold. While she may have a dominant side, she's also a gentle and loving soul who enjoys cuddling with her human and canine companions. She's a social butterfly, loving to play with anyone insight. Though she may test her limits and be a bit stubborn at times, Paulie is a quick learner who eagerly embraces new tricks and challenges. This playful princess is sure to bring love, joy, excitement and cuddles to any home.
If you would like to adopt her, fill out an adoption application on our website
Like us on facebook for more photos of this pretty girl, as well as other boxers we have available!
Submit Application
The first step in the adoption process is to complete an adoption application.