This boy is a gem! He's absolutely perfect, a real turnkey dog. Fostered in Vero Beach, FL, small enough to fit easily into a bag for in-cabin flying.
Enrique is a 7 year old, 7 lb male Chihuahua. He’s tiny but mighty, and a lil bit stocky. This super sweet social butterfly boy is an easy keeper and steals the heart of everyone he meets Enrique gets along with dogs of all sizes, cats and has never met a stranger. He is playful and affectionate with other dogs and would enjoy a canine companion but people are his PASSION!
We have not seen him around children so perhaps older children would be best with his tiny size. His favorite place is in your lap or snuggled up in your neck. Enrique is fully vetted, even bloodwork and a dental with 15 teeth removed, ouch.
Enrique is great in the car and on a leash. He is truly a dog that you can easily take anywhere and even housetrained. He does need help getting into the bed so will bark to let you know he wants up. Snuggling, snoozing and snacking are Rique’s favorite pastimes, and he loves a little play time. He is content to stay in bed or explore the town. Enrique is fostered in Vero Beach, and his fee is $350.
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This boy is a gem! He's absolutely perfect, a real turnkey dog. Fostered in Vero Beach, FL, small enough to fit easily into a bag for in-cabin flying.
Enrique is a 7 year old, 7 lb male Chihuahua. He’s tiny but mighty, and a lil bit stocky. This super sweet social butterfly boy is an easy keeper and steals the heart of everyone he meets Enrique gets along with dogs of all sizes, cats and has never met a stranger. He is playful and affectionate with other dogs and would enjoy a canine companion but people are his PASSION!
We have not seen him around children so perhaps older children would be best with his tiny size. His favorite place is in your lap or snuggled up in your neck. Enrique is fully vetted, even bloodwork and a dental with 15 teeth removed, ouch.
Enrique is great in the car and on a leash. He is truly a dog that you can easily take anywhere and even housetrained. He does need help getting into the bed so will bark to let you know he wants up. Snuggling, snoozing and snacking are Rique’s favorite pastimes, and he loves a little play time. He is content to stay in bed or explore the town. Enrique is fostered in Vero Beach, and his fee is $350.
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