Meet Moo-Moo, a delightful 3 year old, 24 lb, Rat/Fox Terrier mix with a zest for life! This friendly girl has a heart as big as her energy, greeting everyone she meets with excitement and love. Moo-Moo is a happy, playful pooch who walks easily on a leash and is eager to start working on learning basic commands. Luckily, she loves all treats. She is dog friendly and a meet and greet with any resident dogs is required. If you're looking for a fun-loving, instantly loyal companion who’s ready to jump into your life with all four paws, Moo-Moo is the perfect match! If you are interested in meeting Moo-Moo, please complete an interest form. An adoption counselor will contact you to schedule an appointment.
December 23, 2024, 6:02 pm