MEET OBI Obi may be the cutest puppy ever! At just 10 weeks old he is a ball of energy and curiosity. He is currently in a foster home where he loves to chase, play tug of war and wrestle with his fur brothers and sister. He would love a forever home with another young dog to play with. Obi may have had a rough start in life due to a horrible eye accident, but don't tell him. He doesn't know that anything is wrong. The fact that he only has one eye doesn't slow him down at all! Obi is great in his crate but still has a lot to learn including potty training and walking on a leash. Obi is working on potty training in his foster home and is doing great when taken out on a regular schedule. Obi would love a forever family with lots of patience and who is ready to teach him all about the world. Obi is one smart cookie and promises to catch on quickly. We believe Obi is a husky/shepherd mix so he will be a bigger boy. Obi will also require lots of exercise and mental stimulation so please make sure you are ready to give Obi everything he deserves. For more information about Obi, please email us at or submit an application at: BarkVille is located in Roswell, GA and our dogs are available for foster/adoption in the Greater Atlanta area.
January 3, 2025, 6:28 pm