Mega was born in our care along with 10 other puppies! His mom weighs about 60lbs so we expect him to be medium to large when fully grown. We don't know dad though!
He is currently in a foster home with his sister working hard to learn all the good boy skills.
Mega is being neutered on 01/09 and can then go to his new family! He is vaccinated and microchipped. His adoption is $350. Apply today at
All Mountain Pet Rescue (Asheville) animals are up-to-date on vaccinations, spayed/neutered and micro-chipped before adoption. Contact the foster parent or Mountain Pet Rescue at for more information.
Please note that visual breed identification of companion animals has been proven to be unreliable, so for most of our animals we provide a best guess at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each of our animals as an individual and do our best to describe and place pets based on personality not breed label.
Mountain Pet Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax deductible charity (EIN 82-3039637) located in Asheville, NC.
Mega was born in our care along with 10 other puppies! His mom weighs about 60lbs so we expect him to be medium to large when fully grown. We don't know dad though!
He is currently in a foster home with his sister working hard to learn all the good boy skills.
Mega is being neutered on 01/09 and can then go to his new family! He is vaccinated and microchipped. His adoption is $350. Apply today at
All Mountain Pet Rescue (Asheville) animals are up-to-date on vaccinations, spayed/neutered and micro-chipped before adoption. Contact the foster parent or Mountain Pet Rescue at for more information.
Please note that visual breed identification of companion animals has been proven to be unreliable, so for most of our animals we provide a best guess at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each of our animals as an individual and do our best to describe and place pets based on personality not breed label.
Mountain Pet Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax deductible charity (EIN 82-3039637) located in Asheville, NC.