Sunny was born 8/22/24 a Party Golden Doodle almost 5 months old. He is vaccinated, crate trained on a schedule loves to be outside on pretty days and play. Loves everyone, once he gets to know you, he is timid at first. He loves to play and play some more. Needs a active family. Must have a fenced yard and experience with Doodles. Grooming ect. He will need neutered by 1 yr old. He would do well with children. Over 6 yrs old. He rides well in the car. leash trained. His rehoming adoption fee is $ 800 He is in Loxley Al for more inf call Melissa 256-479-7499 submit a application
Sunny was born 8/22/24 a Party Golden Doodle almost 5 months old. He is vaccinated, crate trained on a schedule loves to be outside on pretty days and play. Loves everyone, once he gets to know you, he is timid at first. He loves to play and play some more. Needs a active family. Must have a fenced yard and experience with Doodles. Grooming ect. He will need neutered by 1 yr old. He would do well with children. Over 6 yrs old. He rides well in the car. leash trained. His rehoming adoption fee is $ 800 He is in Loxley Al for more inf call Melissa 256-479-7499 submit a application