Posted over 2 weeks ago
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Bitsy is a tiny Bichon, weighing in at approx 8 or 9 lbs. She survived a puppy mill for many years. Bitsy's foster mom is amazed how sweet and loving she is after what she had to endure.
Bitsy is shy at first but warms up quickly and just wants to love and be loved. She's great with other dogs but we're not sure on cats. She is between 6 & 8 yrs old.
Bitsy is being fostered in Freeport NY She is spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. She has also had a full dental and doesn't have many teeth left so soft food is better for her.
Bitsy is ready for her furever home. Could it be you?
Bitsy's adoption fee is $800 to help cover some of her vetting.
Bitsy is a tiny Bichon, weighing in at approx 8 or 9 lbs. She survived a puppy mill for many years. Bitsy's foster mom is amazed how sweet and loving she is after what she had to endure.
Bitsy is shy at first but warms up quickly and just wants to love and be loved. She's great with other dogs but we're not sure on cats. She is between 6 & 8 yrs old.
Bitsy is being fostered in Freeport NY She is spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. She has also had a full dental and doesn't have many teeth left so soft food is better for her.
Bitsy is ready for her furever home. Could it be you?
Bitsy's adoption fee is $800 to help cover some of her vetting.
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Meet the Pet
If all goes well then the adoption fee is paid, the adoption contract is completed and signed and you take your new family member home.