Fia (Sophia Lacey Grace) is a stunning 2.5-year-old Standard Poodle with a birthdate of May 6, 2022. Weighing in at 56 lbs, Fia is the perfect blend of elegance and charm.
Fia is looking for a loving forever home where she can thrive and show off her gentle, intelligent nature. She loves companionship, loves to walk on a leash or
romp off leash and loves car rides. She is happiest when she's part of the family and likes to stay close to her people during walks. Fia's foster family has the following to say about her.... She is a wonderful dog; housebroken and uses a doggie door to freely go in and out. She is not a fan of the crate but she is a great house guest and knows house manners. Fia is best behaved when she is exercised twice daily with long walks. She prefers women and is a bit timid around men, although there are 3 men in her current household and she has warmed up to them beautifully. She is food driven & will take food from anyone, she has pretty high confidence, which is good indicator that she will be easy and eager to train and learn new things. In her Foster Mom's opinion, she is highly trainable for all and any new commands, and would be a perfect hiking/running partner. She is extremely good on the leash and heels perfectly.
Her kind demeanor and affectionate personality make her a joy to have around. She’s ready to snuggle up, share her playful energy, and bring lots of joy to her new family.
Are you ready to welcome this sweet girl into your home?