Toasty came to us on 01/01/2025. She came to us along with her two sisters and mom and is now available for adoption. She was born on 10/28/2024 and is gray, tan, and white with dark eyes. They were all in foster care where they received a lot of TLC. If you are interested in this cute baby girl, please go to our website at and complete our adoption application there. We will get back to you within 48 hours.
Toasty came to us on 01/01/2025. She came to us along with her two sisters and mom and is now available for adoption. She was born on 10/28/2024 and is gray, tan, and white with dark eyes. They were all in foster care where they received a lot of TLC. If you are interested in this cute baby girl, please go to our website at and complete our adoption application there. We will get back to you within 48 hours.