Meet Rudolph, a sweet 7-month-old puppy with a heartwarming story. Despite his rough start in life, Rudolph has shown incredible resilience and charm. He was found in Northern Ontario and taken in by a partner rescue, which saved his life. Everyone is amazed at how he managed to survive on his own for so long.
Rudolph is expected to be 60 pounds or less when fully grown. He has a beautiful brindle coat. He is housebroken, quiet, and crate trained, making him a well-behaved companion. He has his moments of intense play then long stretches of sleepy calm which is great for his foster mom. He has an unusual gait, but his skeletal scans show no abnormalities, so it doesn't affect his playful nature.
Living with two large dogs, Rudolph gets along well with his furry friends and enjoys their company. He is also good with the kids in the home, although he tends to be more nervous around the adult male. Despite this, his gentle and loving personality shines through.
Rudolph's journey is a testament to his strength and personality making him a wonderful addition to any family. He continues to impress everyone with his sweet and resilient spirit.
Meet Rudolph, a sweet 7-month-old puppy with a heartwarming story. Despite his rough start in life, Rudolph has shown incredible resilience and charm. He was found in Northern Ontario and taken in by a partner rescue, which saved his life. Everyone is amazed at how he managed to survive on his own for so long.
Rudolph is expected to be 60 pounds or less when fully grown. He has a beautiful brindle coat. He is housebroken, quiet, and crate trained, making him a well-behaved companion. He has his moments of intense play then long stretches of sleepy calm which is great for his foster mom. He has an unusual gait, but his skeletal scans show no abnormalities, so it doesn't affect his playful nature.
Living with two large dogs, Rudolph gets along well with his furry friends and enjoys their company. He is also good with the kids in the home, although he tends to be more nervous around the adult male. Despite this, his gentle and loving personality shines through.
Rudolph's journey is a testament to his strength and personality making him a wonderful addition to any family. He continues to impress everyone with his sweet and resilient spirit.