Posted over 2 weeks ago
Roxie is a 9 month old, 20 lb terrier mix. She loves to play with other dogs so that is a must. Roxie loves to play with any kind of toy too. Roxie loves to hang with the big dogs, her best friends are a Doberman, shepherd mix and a cavalier. Roxie loves to sleep under the covers snuggled up between you and another dog. She has grown up around cats but is still a little timid of them. So far the little children she has been around, she’s done fine. Roxie loves to do her zoomies in the backyard and bark at squirrels. Roxie is crate trained and house broken. She is shy at first, but opens up so fast. She’ll make a great addition to any family. She’ll be a medium size dog. She is fully vetted including spay/neuter, microchip, rabies and all puppy vaccinations. She adoption fee is $300.
If you have any questions, please email us at: newbeginnings_animalrescue@
You can apply to adopt Roxie here: www.newbeginningsanimalrescue.
Roxie is a 9 month old, 20 lb terrier mix. She loves to play with other dogs so that is a must. Roxie loves to play with any kind of toy too. Roxie loves to hang with the big dogs, her best friends are a Doberman, shepherd mix and a cavalier. Roxie loves to sleep under the covers snuggled up between you and another dog. She has grown up around cats but is still a little timid of them. So far the little children she has been around, she’s done fine. Roxie loves to do her zoomies in the backyard and bark at squirrels. Roxie is crate trained and house broken. She is shy at first, but opens up so fast. She’ll make a great addition to any family. She’ll be a medium size dog. She is fully vetted including spay/neuter, microchip, rabies and all puppy vaccinations. She adoption fee is $300.
If you have any questions, please email us at: newbeginnings_animalrescue@
You can apply to adopt Roxie here: www.newbeginningsanimalrescue.
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