Meet sweet Penny! She is a 13ish year old Terrier mix and 12.5lbs. She is a very lovable, sweet senior dog. Penny gets along great with other smaller dogs and people. She prefers lounging compared to walks and activity but is great on a leash and in the car. She is not a barker and is house trained. Penny recently had a vet checkup and dental and is doing well. . Penny is spayed, microchipped, and up to date on vaccinations. She would be the perfect easy to care for dog for a senior or someone who is home a lot. Her adoption fee is $200.00
All Second Chance Dog Rescue dogs are spayed/neutered, are up to date on vaccines and have microchips prior to adoption. Adoption fees vary depending on age of dog. Fees help Second Chance Dog Rescue cover spay/neuter costs, vaccinations, medical treatments, food and supplies. Please go to and complete an application today! All dogs live in private foster homes until they are adopted.
Meet sweet Penny! She is a 13ish year old Terrier mix and 12.5lbs. She is a very lovable, sweet senior dog. Penny gets along great with other smaller dogs and people. She prefers lounging compared to walks and activity but is great on a leash and in the car. She is not a barker and is house trained. Penny recently had a vet checkup and dental and is doing well. . Penny is spayed, microchipped, and up to date on vaccinations. She would be the perfect easy to care for dog for a senior or someone who is home a lot. Her adoption fee is $200.00
All Second Chance Dog Rescue dogs are spayed/neutered, are up to date on vaccines and have microchips prior to adoption. Adoption fees vary depending on age of dog. Fees help Second Chance Dog Rescue cover spay/neuter costs, vaccinations, medical treatments, food and supplies. Please go to and complete an application today! All dogs live in private foster homes until they are adopted.