Life has taken an unexpected turn for Calli, a beautiful calico cat with a heart as warm as her gorgeous coat. Adopted from our shelter as a kitten back in 2019, Calli has spent the last few years as a beloved companion. Sadly, her owner had to go into a nursing home, leaving Calli without a home of her own.
Now almost 6 years old, Calli is back with us, patiently waiting for a family to love again. She has lived with other cats before and would fit wonderfully into a home with feline friends—or as your one-and-only.
Calli is gentle, loving, and hoping for a fresh start with someone who will cherish her forever. Could that be you?
Apply for Calli today! Let’s give this sweet girl the happy ending she deserves.
*Per JSAC policy, puppies and kittens under 6 months will not be adopted to families with children under the age of 6 years.
Life has taken an unexpected turn for Calli, a beautiful calico cat with a heart as warm as her gorgeous coat. Adopted from our shelter as a kitten back in 2019, Calli has spent the last few years as a beloved companion. Sadly, her owner had to go into a nursing home, leaving Calli without a home of her own.
Now almost 6 years old, Calli is back with us, patiently waiting for a family to love again. She has lived with other cats before and would fit wonderfully into a home with feline friends—or as your one-and-only.
Calli is gentle, loving, and hoping for a fresh start with someone who will cherish her forever. Could that be you?
Apply for Calli today! Let’s give this sweet girl the happy ending she deserves.
*Per JSAC policy, puppies and kittens under 6 months will not be adopted to families with children under the age of 6 years.