Hello! My name is June and I am an 8-year-old, 78 lb spayed female. I am already housetrained and crate-trained. I am nondestructive and can be left alone uncrated as long as everything edible is securely put away.
I am great with all people of all ages! I will actively seek affection and love belly rubs! I am also known to snuggle with my humans. I am happy to welcome visitors into our home and am a polite host who does not bark or jump up.
I am neutral with other dogs and could easily coexist with canine siblings! I enjoy playing with toys (especially chew toys or ropes) and would happily engage in a game of fetch with you! I cannot go to a home with cats.
I ride well in the car and am a dream on leash, making me the perfect adventure partner! I already know sit, down, heel, come, and drop it. I would love to continue my training! I am extremely food motivated. I am an easy-going, loveable girl who would love to find my perfect adoptive family—could that be with you?
Follow me on Facebook: #EchoDogJune2023
For more information, please contact adoptions@echodogs.org.
Echo Dogs fosters dogs in many states. Visit www.echodogs.org/available-dogs to see more of our dogs. Transportation for the adopted dog IS available. Remember, we are an all-volunteer foster rescue organization - we DO NOT have a physical shelter to visit. Our minimum adoption donation is $350. All dogs are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and micro-chipped. Puppies under 6 months old may not be spayed/neutered. This would be the responsibility of the adopter at their own expense. Proof of spay/neuter will be required!
To review our adoption procedure and submit an online application, visit: www.echodogs.org/procedure
Hello! My name is June and I am an 8-year-old, 78 lb spayed female. I am already housetrained and crate-trained. I am nondestructive and can be left alone uncrated as long as everything edible is securely put away.
I am great with all people of all ages! I will actively seek affection and love belly rubs! I am also known to snuggle with my humans. I am happy to welcome visitors into our home and am a polite host who does not bark or jump up.
I am neutral with other dogs and could easily coexist with canine siblings! I enjoy playing with toys (especially chew toys or ropes) and would happily engage in a game of fetch with you! I cannot go to a home with cats.
I ride well in the car and am a dream on leash, making me the perfect adventure partner! I already know sit, down, heel, come, and drop it. I would love to continue my training! I am extremely food motivated. I am an easy-going, loveable girl who would love to find my perfect adoptive family—could that be with you?
Follow me on Facebook: #EchoDogJune2023
For more information, please contact adoptions@echodogs.org.
Echo Dogs fosters dogs in many states. Visit www.echodogs.org/available-dogs to see more of our dogs. Transportation for the adopted dog IS available. Remember, we are an all-volunteer foster rescue organization - we DO NOT have a physical shelter to visit. Our minimum adoption donation is $350. All dogs are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and micro-chipped. Puppies under 6 months old may not be spayed/neutered. This would be the responsibility of the adopter at their own expense. Proof of spay/neuter will be required!
To review our adoption procedure and submit an online application, visit: www.echodogs.org/procedure