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Kandi is part of a bonded pair of Yorkies and will have to be adopted with Kane.
She is 9 years old and weighs 6 lbs.
The adoption fee for both dogs is $750.00.
Kandi and Kane have been with me about a week and a half. They are a bonded pair of Yorkies about six pounds and each. Roughly nine years old. They are both very friendly and cute as can be. Both are chow hounds and like to venture around the house.
Kandi is a wee bit more reserved than Kane but that doesn't last long. She likes to use me as a heated mattress! She's very good at using a pee pad. Kane not so much. Kane likes to pull blankets out of any bed I have for them. They do sleep together. I had them both in a soft sided carrier to get their vet checkup last week. They both like to jump in it and sleep. I put a dog bed and blanket on a low shelf of one of my end tables and they both like to hang out in it although Kane likes to pull it out on the floor and turn it upside down and lay on it.
They willingly go outside even in the cold and snow and run around. My other fosters barely stick their noses out and they are huge compared to Kandi and Kane! They've been very friendly with anyone that's come to the house and my other fosters. And if they wag their little tails any faster I think they'll fly around the room.
They are wonderful loving precious Yorkies!
Kandi and Kane are staying with Vera in Pittsburgh, PA.
Scroll down to see more pictures of this dog. |
Kandi is part of a bonded pair of Yorkies and will have to be adopted with Kane.
She is 9 years old and weighs 6 lbs.
The adoption fee for both dogs is $750.00.
Kandi and Kane have been with me about a week and a half. They are a bonded pair of Yorkies about six pounds and each. Roughly nine years old. They are both very friendly and cute as can be. Both are chow hounds and like to venture around the house.
Kandi is a wee bit more reserved than Kane but that doesn't last long. She likes to use me as a heated mattress! She's very good at using a pee pad. Kane not so much. Kane likes to pull blankets out of any bed I have for them. They do sleep together. I had them both in a soft sided carrier to get their vet checkup last week. They both like to jump in it and sleep. I put a dog bed and blanket on a low shelf of one of my end tables and they both like to hang out in it although Kane likes to pull it out on the floor and turn it upside down and lay on it.
They willingly go outside even in the cold and snow and run around. My other fosters barely stick their noses out and they are huge compared to Kandi and Kane! They've been very friendly with anyone that's come to the house and my other fosters. And if they wag their little tails any faster I think they'll fly around the room.
They are wonderful loving precious Yorkies!
Kandi and Kane are staying with Vera in Pittsburgh, PA.