Hi! My name is Bigs! I am a kind, playful and loving 1 year and 3 month old 65 lb. male Lab mix puppy! I’m new to this whole dating scene! I enjoy long walks on the leash and do not mind the rain. I have recently acquired my own space, I call it The Kennel. I am an independent guy, though I love hanging out with my 3 foster bros. I get along with everyone! I’m the perfect gentleman and will excuse myself to use the restroom.
My perfect date would like:
Laying on soft and cozy things like a bed, the sofa (if you let me) but most of all I will dote on you! Physical touch is my preferred love language, as I am a total snuggle buddy followed closely by quality time, because I love to be wherever you are! I can just lay my head on your lap or lay next you while you watch movies or tv because I’m an easy going guy!
My thoughts on kids:
You want kids? Great! I am very playful, so I would do great with kids! I’m very gentle and aware of my size. I handle myself well and you can take me anywhere!
Health & Hygiene:
I know some people have to work on bulking up, but I’ve got that down without effort. I’m a big guy and I can make you feel skinny! I know you’re into that I’m a dry shampoo kind of guy, bathing is not my thing. I’ll do it for you… but not everyday. Don’t make it weird for us.
Date Night:
I’ll do whatever you want for treats! Like all great relationships, I believe we should start with dinner! I LOVE food, I hope you love food cause that’s an easy one to have in common! I’m the perfect gentlemen so I’ll sleep through the night and patiently wait for you to awake and we can enjoy breakfast together!
Our Budgeting:
If you can make the bacon, I’ll make sure you always feel like the amazing human I know you are! I’m an upcycler… there is no toy too damaged for me to enjoy! The smaller the toy, the happier I am!
How I prefer to meet your friends:
When I meet new people, I am outgoing and friendly! I can be the life of the party for you!
Something you should know about me:
I’m great with all people of ages and sizes. I’m really just one of the guys… I love hanging with the guys and playing ball, watching ball, and laying low. I’m not high energy.
What my superpower would be:
Reading minds… I live to please the people around me so if I know exactly what they want I’d be complete! In the meantime, when you call me, I will always come!
What my high school friends would say about me:
I’m a genuinely nice guy who loves to have a good time. Good team player. I don’t get easily flustered. I’m chill to hang out with cause I’ll just tag along. I’m a great listener. I’m gentle and will always here for you. I can play ball!
It’s over between us, if:
You don’t eat food regularly or expect me to bathe often.
You can reach me at: https://bit.ly/
Hi! My name is Bigs! I am a kind, playful and loving 1 year and 3 month old 65 lb. male Lab mix puppy! I’m new to this whole dating scene! I enjoy long walks on the leash and do not mind the rain. I have recently acquired my own space, I call it The Kennel. I am an independent guy, though I love hanging out with my 3 foster bros. I get along with everyone! I’m the perfect gentleman and will excuse myself to use the restroom.
My perfect date would like:
Laying on soft and cozy things like a bed, the sofa (if you let me) but most of all I will dote on you! Physical touch is my preferred love language, as I am a total snuggle buddy followed closely by quality time, because I love to be wherever you are! I can just lay my head on your lap or lay next you while you watch movies or tv because I’m an easy going guy!
My thoughts on kids:
You want kids? Great! I am very playful, so I would do great with kids! I’m very gentle and aware of my size. I handle myself well and you can take me anywhere!
Health & Hygiene:
I know some people have to work on bulking up, but I’ve got that down without effort. I’m a big guy and I can make you feel skinny! I know you’re into that I’m a dry shampoo kind of guy, bathing is not my thing. I’ll do it for you… but not everyday. Don’t make it weird for us.
Date Night:
I’ll do whatever you want for treats! Like all great relationships, I believe we should start with dinner! I LOVE food, I hope you love food cause that’s an easy one to have in common! I’m the perfect gentlemen so I’ll sleep through the night and patiently wait for you to awake and we can enjoy breakfast together!
Our Budgeting:
If you can make the bacon, I’ll make sure you always feel like the amazing human I know you are! I’m an upcycler… there is no toy too damaged for me to enjoy! The smaller the toy, the happier I am!
How I prefer to meet your friends:
When I meet new people, I am outgoing and friendly! I can be the life of the party for you!
Something you should know about me:
I’m great with all people of ages and sizes. I’m really just one of the guys… I love hanging with the guys and playing ball, watching ball, and laying low. I’m not high energy.
What my superpower would be:
Reading minds… I live to please the people around me so if I know exactly what they want I’d be complete! In the meantime, when you call me, I will always come!
What my high school friends would say about me:
I’m a genuinely nice guy who loves to have a good time. Good team player. I don’t get easily flustered. I’m chill to hang out with cause I’ll just tag along. I’m a great listener. I’m gentle and will always here for you. I can play ball!
It’s over between us, if:
You don’t eat food regularly or expect me to bathe often.
You can reach me at: https://bit.ly/