Jax is 4.5 months old and weighs 16 lbs. He’s playful and active, friendly with people and social with other dogs. Jax and 7 siblings – Kira, Zeke, Morris, Duane, Boris, Channing, Brent – were born at the ranch across from BAS.
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: http://www.bajaanimalsanctuary.org/dogs.htm
Jax is 4.5 months old and weighs 16 lbs. He’s playful and active, friendly with people and social with other dogs. Jax and 7 siblings – Kira, Zeke, Morris, Duane, Boris, Channing, Brent – were born at the ranch across from BAS.
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: http://www.bajaanimalsanctuary.org/dogs.htm