Panda is a Golden Yorkie & Tea Cup Poodle. She is just 5.5 lbs. The sweetest humble little girl ever. She had a litter of puppies one of which is Georgie who is 4 months old and also for adoption. Panda loves to be carried and hugged. She is so tiny that you must be careful with little hands. She is certainly a little pocket pooch.... Healthy happy quiet little Panda bear.
Interested in Panda then please submit an application on our website listed below:
Panda is a Golden Yorkie & Tea Cup Poodle. She is just 5.5 lbs. The sweetest humble little girl ever. She had a litter of puppies one of which is Georgie who is 4 months old and also for adoption. Panda loves to be carried and hugged. She is so tiny that you must be careful with little hands. She is certainly a little pocket pooch.... Healthy happy quiet little Panda bear.
Interested in Panda then please submit an application on our website listed below: