Glenda is a precious black and white puppy in need of a forever family! She is a young girl, born around 12/01/2024, and currently weighs just 9lbs. Her breed is guessed to be a Terrier/Boxer mix, and she could mature to be a medium sized dog (possibly weighing up to 40lbs). Glenda is a smart girl, and she's already sleeping through the night in her crate! She's working on her potty training and learning how to walk on leash. She is being fostered by an experienced family and lives with other pups, so she is gaining some valuable socialization. She is everything a puppy should be - curious, playful, and cuddly! Glenda will need a family who understands the needs of a young puppy, and will continue to provide her the necessary training every dog requires as she matures. She will be fully vaccinated, spayed, and microchipped (covered by BarkVille Dog Rescue) prior to an adoption being finalized. If you're interested in adopting this sweet girl, please email us at or submit an application at BarkVille is located in Roswell, GA and our dogs are available for foster/adoption in the Greater Atlanta area. Applicants in surrounding states could potentially adopt a BarkVille dog if their application is approved, they live within 2-3 hours of the Greater Atlanta area, and they are able to pick up their dog from the foster home.
January 27, 2025, 4:54 pm