Meet the sweetest boy Stanley. Stanley is a small but tall 5.5 lb., approximately 3 year old male Chihuahua who is as sweet as they come. We believe Stanley may have been in a hoarding situation or a home with a lot of other dogs. He is very timid with new people but never shows any sign of aggression. He will need a family that will give him a couple of weeks to acclimate and adjust to new humans, but once he does he is a love bug!
Stanley is great with other dogs, and we feel that he would do best in a home that has other dogs as they tend to help him adjust. He has a playful side and I definitely see him becoming even more playful over time. He loves blankets and snuggly beds and likes to go under the covers. He is doing well on house training and goes out with the other dogs.
Stanley is current on vaccinations, neutered, heart worm negative, and microchipped. To apply to adopt Stanley visit our website at
Meet the sweetest boy Stanley. Stanley is a small but tall 5.5 lb., approximately 3 year old male Chihuahua who is as sweet as they come. We believe Stanley may have been in a hoarding situation or a home with a lot of other dogs. He is very timid with new people but never shows any sign of aggression. He will need a family that will give him a couple of weeks to acclimate and adjust to new humans, but once he does he is a love bug!
Stanley is great with other dogs, and we feel that he would do best in a home that has other dogs as they tend to help him adjust. He has a playful side and I definitely see him becoming even more playful over time. He loves blankets and snuggly beds and likes to go under the covers. He is doing well on house training and goes out with the other dogs.
Stanley is current on vaccinations, neutered, heart worm negative, and microchipped. To apply to adopt Stanley visit our website at