Nala is a very sweet and loving dog. She turned 8 months old on Jan.21, 2025 and only 35 pounds. She is part German Shepherd and Red Heeler. She's doing great with potty training, loves playing with other dogs and playing catch. She does well with kids and cat. Nala is looking for a forever home to call her own.
For more info on Nala, please include your phone number with your inquiry or call Jacki at 941-587-4612.
Nala is a very sweet and loving dog. She turned 8 months old on Jan.21, 2025 and only 35 pounds. She is part German Shepherd and Red Heeler. She's doing great with potty training, loves playing with other dogs and playing catch. She does well with kids and cat. Nala is looking for a forever home to call her own.
For more info on Nala, please include your phone number with your inquiry or call Jacki at 941-587-4612.