Update Belle has been Adopted!
Belle is a 2.5 yr old 85.5 lb female Rottweiler, she is up to date on shots, heartworm negative, on preventive, micro-chipped and is spayed.
Belle is a very beautiful and sweet girl who is looking for a good home because her previous family said they were moving out of the country and could not take her. Belle loves to snuggle, just adores being with people, and children but seems to be afaid of wheels so would do better in a home with children over the age of 12 yrs. Belle grew up with a Golden Lab but seems to want to boss other females so may do better in a home with a male or as an only dog.
If you are interested in providing a good home for this beautiful sweet pup please
click HERE
to download our Adoption Application.
Please save it to your PC with your name as the title, and e-mail the saved document to:
To read about our adoption process please read our "adoption process" found on our front page at http://www.majestyrescue.petfinder.com , we believe it will answer all your questions. Thank you.