Bella is a very sweet 2 yr old 77 lb female Rottweiler, she is up to date on all shots, heartworm negative, on preventative, microchipped and spayed.
Bella lost her home due to the economy, her previous owner lost her home and could no longer care for her. Bella is such a beautiful and sweet girl, she is calm and just loves everyone.
To read about our adoption process please read our "adoption process" found on our front page, we believe it will answer all your questions. Please know because we are so very busy with the dogs along with processing applications, updating webpageÃÂs etc we are not able to return phone calls asking if this dog is still adoptable. We do update our sites regularly and if the dog is listed here then they are in fact adoptable. Please fill out our adoption application and send to us, if you have questions we do have our adoption process located on the front page of our petfinder site, if after submitting your application and reading our process, you still have questions, please email Terry at Thank you
If you are interested in providing a good home for this beautiful sweet pup please
click HERE
to download our Adoption Application.
Please save it to your PC with your name as the
title, and e-mail the saved document to: