Update; Rocco will be staying in his own home!!! We are just thrilled for Rocco and his family.
Rocco is a 125 lb, 21 month male Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix. Rocco is up to date on all shots, heartworm negative and on preventative, and is neutered.
Rocco has grown up with small children and is wonderful with them, he is fantastic with everyone he has met, he just loves all people. Rocco loves to play ball
Rocco has had small children put their hands in his food bowl while eating and even taken his treats from him and has never shown any type of aggression to them. Rocco is possessive of his food around other dogs, so is looking to be any only dog family and please no cats as Rocco has too much interest in them.
Rocco's family dearly love him and hate to give him up but have small children and another on the way and are afraid the children my get in the middle of an altercation between Rocco and their other dog.
Rocco is a courtesy listing which means he will be adopted out by his family, we will be helping them by posting Rocco and screening potential adopters.
If you are interested in providing a good home for this beautiful sweet pup please
click HERE
to download our Adoption Application.
Please save it to your PC with your name as the title, and e-mail the saved document to:
If you have questions about our adoption process please HERE
to learn more, we believe it will answer all your questions. We do not allow meetings with our dogs until we have received your adoption application.
Please know because we are so very busy with the dogs along with processing applications, updating webpage’s etc we are not able to return phone calls asking if this dog is still adoptable. We do update our sites regularly and if the dog is listed here then they are in fact adoptable. Please fill out our adoption application and send to us, if you have questions we do have our adoption process located below, if after submitting your application and reading our process, you still have questions, please email Terry at terry4553@verizon.net Thank you