(when grown) Large 61-100 lbs (28-45 kg)
Meet our Labor Day Pups. Grace Lynn came to Barkville on August 29th, 2024. She was dropped off at our partner vet in Johns Creek for her intake vetting. Because it was Labor Day weekend she scheduled for her exam on Tuesday, September 3rd. To everyone's surprise, when the vet tech came in on Tuesday morning, they were greeted by smiling Grace Lynn and her 9 beautiful puppies. This litter of 9 puppies (5 females and 4 males) was born on 9/2/2024. They are believed to be Anatolian Shepherd Mixes. When full grown, we expect these puppies to be medium to large size, weighing between 45 - 70lbs. They are all adorable playful puppies and will require patience and continued training as they mature. They are all sweet, friendly, and curious puppies always ready to explore and play. Their energetic nature is balanced by their love for cuddles, making them the perfect companion for any adventure or a quiet evening at home. These puppies are not just pets, they will be your friend, a confidante, and a source of unconditional love. Their playful spirit and loving nature make them the perfect addition to any family. Adopt one of Grace Lynn's Puppies and bring home a loyal friend who will fill your life with joy and happiness. The Labor Day Pups will be available for foster to adopt starting in November 2024. BarkVille Dog Rescue will cover all their vet care, age-appropriate vaccines, their spay/neuter, and microchip. Once spay/neutered they will be ready to complete their adoption. Since these are young puppies, please consider the following: Housetraining, chewing, barking, crying at night, high energy level, nipping, socializing, training. For more information about one of the Labor Day Pups, please email us at or submit an application at: BarkVille is located in Roswell, GA and our dogs are available for foster/adoption in the Greater Atlanta area. Applicants in surrounding states could potentially adopt a BarkVille dog if their application is approved, they live within 2-3 hours of the Greater Atlanta area, and they are able to pick up their dog from the foster home.January 1, 2025, 12:10 pm