(when grown) Small 25 lbs (11 kg) or less
Good with kids,
Good with dogs,
Good with cats,
We have a transport set up to leave SoCal on 01/03/25 NorCal and OR. We would love to add our last remaining Scottie puppy to our trip for the right family 💙 Travel costs are in addition to his adoption fee. Travel costs/adoption fee are always due when we arrive in person with your new baby in hand 💙
(Finley is our last sweet boy waiting for a home all his own 💙 A collage of his photos are posted ☺️)
Meet Sterling, Wally, Stewart, Duff, Finley, and Enya. (5 males 1 female) (only Wally, and Stewart are still looking for homes 💙.) They are purebred Scottish terrier puppies. They were born 8/4/24. They are current on their vaccines, and yes we have full records for each of them. They have also been dewormed through our vet, had a wonderful overall exam, and each of them will be going home with a health certificate 💙 They are to young to neuter/spay, so yes they will be going home with a neuter/spay contract.
Both of their parents came to us, and unbeknownst to their prior owner, or us, momma was pregnant. Both parents are purebred Scottish Terriers. Dad has found a wonderful home already, and mom (is currently looking for a new home of her own so if interested in opening your heart to her let us know and we will send her info right on over ❤️)
They have been with us since birth, and have had exceptional care from our family which will continue
until they are in a family all their own 😊
They are very well socialized, LOVE to play, are EXTREMELY intelligent, and have been an absolute joy to raise 🙂 We are going to miss them tremendously but it's time for them to begin their individual journeys all the way to their new families, where they will continue to spread the same love, joy, and happiness that they have blessed us with here ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Their parents both had BEAUTIFUL temperaments, and were VERY healthy at time of their exams. Mom was a great mother to her babies, and was always attentive to their every need of her. She raised them up until the day she decided she was okay with us taking over all while she observed from a close distance ensuring we were meeting her every expectation for her babies 🙃
You WILL NOT regret saying YES to any one of these babies, as they each have brought tremendous joy to our hearts as I know they will yours ❤️
They are pad trained, and understand pads perfectly. They have NOT been outdoors yet, as we are waiting for all sets of vaccines to be complete until they are able to explore any further than the safety of our home. House training will come easy as they all aim to please, and are very attentive when being spoken to.
They LOVE being held, as that's something we did from early on so it's a place of comfort to be in your arms 🥰 and we love having them there so everyone is happy during snuggle time 🙂
They have been on small road trips around town, which they have all done very well with!
They are all great at bath time, and LOVE to be pampered ☺️
Crate training hasn't yet begun, but they are accustomed to being secured in a play yard, or by gates which they respect greatly.
Their adoption fee is under their adoption listing on our website at You can find their adoption listing at
It covers their their individual vet costs (vaccines, fecal tests, deworming, vet exams, and their health certificate,) along with the care involved from their birth til now which has been great in itself, along with their socialization and training that we will continue to do until they have a family of their own.