How Do I Find a Good Home for My Pit Bull?

Tips on how to ensure your Pitty finds a loving home.

by Kelly Villa, | January 31, 2025

How Do I Find a Good Home for My Pit Bull?

Hryshchyshen Serhii / Shutterstock

Do you need to give up your dog and are wondering, “How do I find a good home for my Pit Bull?” The best way to ensure your dog goes to a good home is by taking the time to rehome them yourself. This will take more work and effort than surrendering them to a shelter, but is well worth it. There are many resources and tools available online, such as Rehome, where you’ll find expert advice, be able to set up a profile and accept applications from potential adopters.

Things to keep in mind when rehoming your dog

Remember that the point is to find the right home, not just any home. With that in mind, here are some important tips:

  • Never list your dog free to a good home

Charging a rehoming fee filters out people who look for free dogs to use in dog fights, sell to labs, and other activities that would not end well for your Pit Bull.

  • Do a home visit

Although this may not be possible, it’s a good option to consider. Doing a home visit and seeing the home where the dog will live adds another layer of security for your pet and peace of mind for you.

  • Partner with animal welfare professionals

Connect with a rescue to determine what options you might have. Utilizing services such as Rehome by Adopt a Pet can help you find and screen potential adopters.

  • Be patient

Finding a good home for your Pit Bull might not happen overnight, but your dog deserves the time it takes to ensure they’ll be safe, happy, and loved. It’s not easy to give up a pet who you love.

But, if you've done all you can, it's important to remember that pets are individuals, and your home might not be the right fit. If you’re considering finding a new home for them, check out Rehome. It’s Adopt a Pet’s safe, simple program that lets adopters safely adopt a pet directly from their current pet parent or caretaker. So pets can find new loving homes without entering a shelter.

A safe, reliable way to rehome your pet

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Kelly Villa

Kelly Villa

Kelly Villa is a freelance writer and contributor to various pet publications.

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